약 1달동안 층간소음으로 엄청난 고생을 했습니다.
윗 집 아이가 정말 미친듯이 뛰어다니더라구요.
저녁 10시가 넘었는데도 쾅쾅 뛰는데 그 골전도 음향 퍼지듯 벽이 울립니다.
이어플러그도 껴보고, 노이즈캔슬링 헤드폰도 껴봤지만 소용이 없었어요.
새벽 1,2시가 되어야 겨우 잠드는 끔찍한 상황이 계속 이어졌습니다.
결국 참다가 도저히 안되겠다 싶어서 편지를 썼습니다. 아래에 내려가 그 집 우체통에 편지를 넣어두고 왔더니
갑자기 조용해졌습니다!
저녁에 이제 더 이상 애가 뛰지 않아요. 삶의 질이 정말 높아진 기분이었어요.
제가 보냈던 편지 원문을 여기 적어둡니다.
참고하실 분들은 참고하시고, 그대로 베끼셔도 좋습니다.
아무튼 저와 같은 고통을 받는 분들의 문제가 잘 해결되길 바랍니다.
Hello, I am one of your neighbors and I am writing this letter to make you aware of something. I just wanted to ask for a small favor because I am having trouble sleeping and feeling well-rested during the day. It sounds like someone is running around in your home, and this keeps me awake. Unfortunately, it even occurs after 10pm. If it is your child, I sympathize because I know that it is natural for children to run and jump. However, I really need to get a good night’s sleep so that I can concentrate at work. I would be grateful if you could make sure that your child does not run around after 10pm. I tried to use earplugs, but the noise is too loud. Furthermore, your child’s jumping makes the walls vibrate, so the noise is just one part of the problem. I am sorry to bring this up during the pandemic, and I hope that your family stays healthy, but please address this concern. I wish that we had gotten to know each other before this issue arose, and I am sorry that this is my first letter to you. Thank you for your effort regarding this matter.
Hallo, ich bin einer Ihrer Nachbarn und ich schreibe diesen Brief, um Sie etwas zu bitten. Manchmal läuft und springt Ihr Kind nachts gegen 22 Uhr herum, sodass ich nicht einschlafen kann. Durch das Laufen und Springen vibriert die ganze Wand und es ist sehr laut, auch ich Ohrstöpsel benutze. Am nächsten Tag kann ich mich nicht auf meine Arbeit konzentrieren und fühle mich den ganzen Tag lang übermüdet. Natürlich ist mir bewusst, dass es für Kinder normal ist, umherzurennen. Das ist auch tagsüber in Ordnung. Ich bitte Sie jedoch, dass Sie Ihren Kindern raten, nicht von 22 bis 7 Uhr*. Es tut mir leid, dass ich sie aus diesem Grund zum ersten Mal kontaktiere. Bleiben Sie Gesund. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühung und Ihr Verständnis.
윗 글들은 원어민의 첨삭까지 받은 글이므로 그대로 쓰시면 틀린 부분이 확실히 없습니다.
다만 변형해서 쓰실 경우 뉘앙스가 달라질 수 있으니 주의하세요!
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